I'm going to Hamburg and Berlin.

 A few months ago, Andrew, an theremin player of impro-music from Hamburg, sent me a message: "I was asking my friend Kriton for musicians that might enjoy experimenting with me on my upcoming trip to Paris................ would be happy to meet you, possibly even play together if you are interested " 

I wondered if I had ever played with someone from Berlin...? But then I remembered that the musician who played Daxophone. We played together a few years ago. It remind also that we had a great time....

Andrew told me that my name is on the Daxophonist Kriton's "list of people to see in Paris".  It is my pleasure :) .

I watched a video of Andrew's performance, and I was very interested in his calm style with lot of space, which is the opposite of the high-tension, high-density style which is very popular in this kind of genre.

Even if we can't play too loud, I prefer to play at a private home rather than in a studio rented by the hour, because we can have more time to talk and play in a calm situation. And we can share ideas to do music together. So we spent the afternoon talking and playing.

After a few sessions, he proposed me to play with him on his slot at the festival in Hamburg in June. He continued that he can also organize a concert in Berlin the day after that.

Here it is a small story why I'm going to Hamburg and Berlin in June.

I'm looking forward to it very much.

So, if you live in Hamburg or Berlin, or are just there at that time, please come.

In Hambourg

In Berlin

As part of the publicity of these concerts, Andrew has released an album on Bandcamp that was recorded in my apartment. It is called "Four Etudes". In this session, he used a synth (or keyboard?) called "Continuum".  This interface looks like a keyboard but with lines instead of keys. We can control the modulation, pitch and dynamics on it in real time. Because of this, the whole Andrew's performance has a micro-tonal feel.

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